Embrace Project

Mission & vision


At the basis of the socio-cultural artistic project of the Embrace are the ideas that have accompanied Cesare Catania’s Mission and Vision for years and to which the artist decided to give voice in 2016 by starting an international journey.

Moreover, believing in the power that art can have in changing not only people’s attitudes but also their lives is very strong in Cesare Catania who, through his Embrace Project, wants to spread constructive ideas and make art universally accessible to everyone, everywhere, according to the principle of a democratic art that can always be enjoyed and without barriers of any kind.


What profoundly drives the Embrace Project is the ambitious desire that through art we can build bridges capable of overcoming geographical latitudes, political, religious, philosophical and cultural differences, in the name of a single great concept: the sharing of moments and feelings so that we all feel part of a single large “system”, paying particular attention to the most fragile categories.

There are no final goals to reach in this Project because it is hoped that it will be continually evolving and therefore continually evolving, through a global path that from one Hug leads to Infinite Hugs.

Projecting such an ambitious project and all the activities related to it into the future is certainly the firm intention of the artist Cesare Catania to animate “The Embrace” year after year with initiatives increasingly supported by institutions, foundations, bodies and entities in general capable of having with their support an effective impact on society, on the life and thoughts of the people involved from time to time – from the oldest to the youngest – thus contributing to forming citizens capable of opposing any type of injustice and discrimination under the sign of contemporary art, and that’s the core of the Mission and Vision.

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