Cesare Catania. Painter, sculptor and digital artist – born in 1979 – he began his career over a decade ago by fusing in his works many traditional techniques from oil on canvas to classical sculpture, up to the most innovative contaminations of mixed techniques in a provocative meeting of acrylics, oils and fluorescent colors but also silicones, acrylics and steel.
In his works, painting, sculpture and digital art expressed in all its facets interact harmonically, giving life to extremely original creations imbued with hyperrealism that make Catania an experimental artist in continuous evolution, capable of being both traditional and contemporary, fascinated not only by modern art, architecture, cubism and the great masters of classical age painting, but also a profound admirer of that digital culture that led him towards an eclectic artistic production with wide acclaim from both Italian and foreign critics.
In his works, painting, sculpture and digital art expressed in all its facets interact harmonically, giving life to extremely original creations imbued with hyperrealism.
Catania is a continually evolving experimental artist, capable of being both traditional and contemporary, fascinated not only by modern art, architecture, cubism and the great Masters of Classical Age painting, but also a profound admirer of the digital culture that brought him towards an eclectic artistic production with wide acclaim from both Italian and foreign critics.
His creative abilities and aesthetic taste enthusiastically embrace technology and everything that looks to the future under the sign of innovation.

The “Catania Technique” deserves particular attention, a mixed technique that involves the use of materials such as silicone, acrylic and mineral pigments, giving both the canvases and the sculptures a material effect of absolute visual impact.
Also involved in various philanthropic initiatives, Catania is carrying out the “Embrace Project” throughout the world, which he himself conceived and based on the key concept of democratic art, accessible to everyone and everywhere, not only in institutional places, so that there is also a real empathetic and emotional rapprochement between people.
The Embrace is an international artistic project of a traveling socio-cultural nature with a highly inclusive connotation, inspired by a 2016 painting by the artist entitled “The Embrace (B Version)”. The “Embrace Project” was born from Catania’s desire to actively contribute to bringing places and people closer together, especially following a pandemic that has brought interpersonal relationships to their knees, affecting the weakest first and foremost.
The “Embrace Project” has within itself a simple but at the same time strong, bold message, capable of going beyond all differences and geographical distances: “Let’s hug each other again”.

The artist’s passions and inclinations also include scientific disciplines. Graduated in Civil Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan, Cesare Catania expresses this technical preparation both in his productions destined for the Metaverse and in his art strongly linked to geometry and mathematics.
This is the context in which the creation of real digital works mounted as NFTs takes place but always inspired by the meanings of the more traditional Catania art as in “Harlequin in the land of giants (B Version), a 2022 short film.