"Let's hug each other again"
Artistic project with a socio-cultural matrix, conceived and developed by the artist Cesare Catania
Embrace Project is created to support art, culture, medicine and all sciences in general through the most incisive means of communication: Contemporary Art.
Art is no longer the end aimed at by the Artist but rather becomes the means with which to do good, in an ethical way, and through which to convey a simple but strong message:
“Let’s hug each other again”

The Artworks
The Embraces Today

The Artist
Cesare Catania
Cesare Catania. Painter, sculptor and digital artist – born in 1979 – he began his successful career in the international field by fusing in his works the traditional techniques of oil on canvas and classical sculpture with the innovative contaminations of digital art and mixed techniques in a provocative meeting of acrylics, oils and fluorescent colors but also silicones, acrylics and steel.
Discover everything about the Artist visiting his main site at cesarecatania.eu